Find the differences.

As Italian I’m very proud of my historical and artistic background but after this picture I thought: “What the hell it’s going on in Italy???”.
Ok calm down Alessia, maybe there is a reason for that.
Maybe they had a very short deadline, maybe there isn’t any graphic designer in the nearby but only the minister’s little doughter.
I can’t believe in it.
(Drumroll) this is not a random image taken on the internet but the COVER IMAGE of the EXPO 2015 website!!! This is the business card of the event, the welcome page and (please another drumroll is necessary) the image of the “Grand Opening Party”.
I’m speachless, so I invented a game: find the differences between a professional work and… that image!. 


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In the beginning everything is a doodle.

All the people around the world know Bic, the most famous French company that make pens (and not only!).
I would like to focus on their last advertising campaign, I think that is the most simple but effective one of the last years, held by Miami Ad School/ESPM from San Paolo of Brasil.
In the pictures we can see some of the most famous logos drawn by a Bic and on the top the headline says “In the beginning everything is a DOODLE”.
Wonderful concept, nice prove!

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Lego is everywhere.

Today I was cooking for me and my boyfriend when I looked at the pan.
I saw what you see in the photo and I thought that I'm Italian, I love food but I'm also a designer and I see art in everythink I do, so I took a picture. 

From that moment on it happend to me to see a lot of photos having has main theme some colored cubes. Then, I stopped by a moment and I thought: "Hey I actually live in the country which gave birth to the most famous colored cubes in the World!".
Have you heard about LEGO???

Thank you Denmark / Mange tak Danmark!

"The immagination is the only limit"


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